Last February I decided to take on the challenge of competing in the Wildflower Triathlon, one of the nations most difficult Triathlons,which took place in May of 2006. The distance I would cover included a 1.5K (1 mile) Open Water Swim, followed by an intense 40K (25 Mile) bike ride and finishing off with a 10K (6 Mile) Run. I finished this race in 5 hours, since then I have continued to document my journey.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday; May 31st Misty

I had to put Misty down today. I knew this day would come but I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly. Last week she didn't seem to be eating as much and was hanging out in the patio a lot more than normal. I assumed that she was losing weight because it's summer and she always lost weight during the summer. She would shed her winter coat, lose some winter weight thus changing her look. She loved the sun and I thought that she was just taking advantage of the increase of heat.

On Friday she tried to jump into bed with me and didn't quite make it. She hit her head on the dresser and broke her tooth. I noticed she was hobbling just a bit after that and figured she had hurt her hip when she fell. My mom took her to the vet on Tuesday (Monday was a holiday) the vet said that he suspected her kidneys were failing. That night he called with the blood test results and said that we had 2 choices. Euthanize her or put her through dialysis. If we chose to get her dialysis, I would have to give her IV's 3 days a week for the rest of her life. He said that it may give her 5 months but that she would probably spend a lot of time at the vet and she would basically stop eating and get sicker. I made the decision to put her down because I thought it would be more fair to her. If I knew the IV's had a chance of making her better, I would do it in a second. That was not the case.

Myron wrote a great prayer for her. I love it and want to post it here (I hope he doesn't mind)

A little Prayer

Oh Lord take care of my little cat,

The little creature that sat,

On my bed at night,

On the couch out of site,

On my lap to snuggle gladly,

Upon my shoulder purring loudly,

Oh Lord take care of my little cat,

The one that chewed up my hat,

The one that greeted me when I came home,

The one who thought my lap was her throne,

Little Misty with blue eyes,

Now you play in heaven’s skies,

Oh Lord take care of my little cat,

The one that was sometimes a little brat,

Who showered me with kisses when she was bad,

Who cuddled with me when I was sad,

Who protected me at night,

And when she saw my friends bravely took flight,

Oh Lord take care of my little cat,

The one that sat upon my mat,

Misty with her soft little paws,

With a loving heart that saw no flaw,

Now she is in heaven gate,

For me I know she will wait.


Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

hi Sandy! I know what a tough decision that must have been, but Misty is in a better place now. I hope you're well!

12:58 AM

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6:21 PM


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